Best Vacation Ever

Unforgettable travel
experiences with a 
positive impact.

Safari tours category to match your interest

Inspire your travels

We can tailor an itinerary to suit your interests and preferences, whether you like modest or luxurious accommodations, have a passion for animals, art, or exploring the great outdoors, or organising a vacation for a special event. We are here for you just call or write to us. Browse our latest inspiration pages to start planning your next adventure. We arrange trips to more than fifty destinations throughout East Africa.

Thoughtful trip ideas

Destination for travel now and soon

Luxury, your way

Destination for travel now and soon

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Semuliki National Park

Lake Mburo National Park

Rwenzori Mountain National Park

Suggested tour packages

The tours featured on our website are meant to give you an idea of what is possible when you travel with us. Treat them as inspiration only, because your trip will be tailored to your preferences and budget by one of our specialists.


From $2,880.00

Activity Destination 8 Days 8 Nights

Gorilla Trek, 9-Day Vacation and Tour

From $2,000.00 $1,850.00

Activity Destination 5 Days 5 Nights

5 Days Bwindi & lake Mburo National Park Tour

From $680.00 $665.00

Activity Destination 2 Days 2 Nights

lake Mburo Two Days Tour

Holiday ideas to match your interests

Whether you want to stay in simple or luxurious accommodation, have a particular passion for wildlife, art or experiencing the great outdoors, or you’re planning a trip for a special occasion, we can create an itinerary to match your interests and tastes.

Wildlife holidays
Selfdrive holidays

Outdoor activities holidays

Cultural holidays

Charity volunteering

City break




Travel in style

Quality time with family and friends, relaxation & enjoyment of nature.

Start planning your next adventure by looking through our most recent inspiration pages. We organise visits to a variety of sites in East Africa.

Climbing the highest
point of Rwenzori

Our events

Find out more
about our events

Family Travel

Get inspired by our
top family trips and
start your own

We are a professional company that aims to provide custom, tailor-made holidays and safaris in Uganda and the Great Lakes region of East Africa for individuals and groups.

We do not subscribe to the ‘one-size-fits-all’ philosophy. Sample itineraries and cost estimates are meant purely as a guide. To find out more, please contact one of our expert travel consultants to plan a customized itinerary based on your budget and interests.

Ready for your trip? Let us help you plan everything.


Speak to a specialist to start planning your tailor-made holiday…

Call one of our experts or arrange a video appointment for ideas and advice.

+256 753737337